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CopywritingWilderness Team

5 Book Recommendations From A Copywriter

By September 20, 2021October 13th, 2021No Comments

My motto as a copywriter and forever student is to “Stay curious, and work hard.”

This statement was curated by years of trial-and-error, successes and failures, and guidance from books like these. I hope these inspire you as a budding – or experienced – copywriter just as they have me.

Book Recommendations From A Copywriter

Ignore Everybody: and 39 Other Keys to Creativity by Hugh MacLeod

“Writer’s block is just a symptom of feeling like you have nothing to say, combined with the rather weird idea that you should feel the need to say something. Why? If you have something to say, then say it. If not, enjoy the silence while it lasts. The noise will return soon enough.” +Hugh MacLeod

ignore everybody bookThis was one of the first books I ever read about being creative. It has a unique voice and perspective on how to make a career out of creativity. With chapters like “Sing in Your Own Voice,” “Write from the Heart,” and “Power is Never Given. Power is Taken,” there is philosophical as well as practical information.

Also, I would listen to a man who made his mark and living simply by making cartoons on business cards.

Damn Fine Story by Chuck Wendig

“Look for the little story.
Look for the story about people.
Then you wrap it in a generous swaddling of space ninjas and swamp monsters and explodey-boom-boom-pyoo-pyoo-zap.” +Chuck Wendig

You could get a book that tells you all the things you already know about writing. Or you could get a book that talks about the other elements that compel readers to turn pages.

The techniques and philosophies he discusses cut across all genres, fiction and non-fiction alike. He knows how to tell a story, and uses other popular stories to illustrate his points.

Little Bets by Peter Sims

“You have to catch people making mistakes and make it so that it’s cool. You have to make it undesirable to play it safe.” +Peter Sims

Everyone is looking for the big bombshell. The over-the-top idea that is going to put them on the map. This book encourages you to take tinier steps to a big goal. By taking smaller, more experimental steps to a goal, you have more control over the end result and you learn more through the process you can apply to the next effort. Sometimes writing is like that.

Grit by Angela Duckworth

“I won’t just have a job; I’ll have a calling. I’ll challenge myself every day. When I get knocked down, I’ll get back up. I may not be the smartest person in the room, but I’ll strive to be the grittiest.” +Angela Duckworth

If there is one thing that we do not talk about enough in business, it is the power of consistency. There is something to be said about doing the job you want day after day and getting better at it over time. When the job is good or when the job is bad, if the tasks are easy or shockingly difficult, showing up every day and doing the work is one of the greatest predictors of success.

Anything + Everything Your Favorite Author Writes

Part of being a writer is learning the styles and the voices of your favorite writers. You may set up your piece the way one writer does, use the cadence of another, and still the vocabulary of a third. All of this is going to be blended with your own voice and style to make something that is uniquely you.

But to get there, you need to put something in your brain that will get everything to merge.


Meet Copywriter Brian

Dubbed “Smart Guy In A Tie,” Brian assists the Wilderness team with the power of the written word. Learn more about Brian and get in touch with him!